New reviews

Release today
On the 17th of May we released our new single on Bandcamp, where you also could buy a limited cd with three songs. Today is the release on Spotify and other digital platforms. Depending on your mood you can choose between the short and sweet a –side If the summer lingers or the darker and epic 10 minutes b-side In the waiting room. Or maybe both.

New single out in May
Since we released the EP We count the evening stars for a year ago we have been working on two projects outside the Us and Them. Now it is high time for new songs under the Us and Them name. If the summer lingers is the first single from our fourth album, planned to arrive in the fall of 2024. During the work on the album, the new songs have gone in two directions. Partly light and melodic and partly moving and rather dark, the light and the shade. These two new songs reflect these two sides with the light a-side If the summer lingers and the nearly 10 minutes epic "In the waiting room".
"If the summer lingers" is going to be to be on our forthcoming album while the B-side is unique to this single. The release date is the 17th of May 2024 on Bandcamp ( and the 28th of May on all other digital platforms.

Here in Sweden it is snowing a lot and it looks really magical. In a few days the Christmas begins officially so if you haven't come up with the christmas gifts yet you can check out Us and Thems Bandcampsite. At the moment we are pushing for our Christmas single we did for a couple of years ago. Good price during december and you get it for free if you order two other Us and Them records (see the link to our Bandcamp site below).
A merry christmas to all of you from Us and Them
Back from the vacation and a couple of new reviews
Since a couple of weeks ago we are back from our vacation and the best with the autumn is that is time to take upp all the projects with Us and Them we left in early July. There are two exciting projects with other artists and a lot of new Us and them songs to work with.
Then we found two new reviews from Exposé online and the always so kind Harry Schneider. You find them under Reviews / An introdution... and We count the evening stars

New release !
The year before the release of our third album ..and I observed the blue sky in September 2022 was a creative time for us. We wrote lot of songs and eleven of them ended up on the album. We also worked with interpretations of some favourite songs. In the end, we decided that the album should only contain original material. So now we collect these cover version on this EP.
The opening song is Can I stay with you? A song from Nick Garrie's album The Nightmare Of J.B. Stanislas from 1968. A rather unknown song from an album that have achieved cult status during later years. We fell for the song immediately and here is our own version.
A more well-known song follows and it is our version of Zombies Beachwood Park. It taken from their masterpiece Odessey and Oracle and especially this song have fascinated us for some time.
I guess that a Thin Lizzy cover is the most surprising choice on this EP. Little girl in bloom is an early Lizzy song that is aimed to a young girl that got pregnant in the early 70's in Ireland.
The concluding song is The Garden of Jane Delawney. Trees wrote the song and it is a song that been in our mind for a long time and now comes the time for our own version.
The EP is called "We count the evening stars" and got a digital release on the 5th of May. You can listen to it on our Bandcamp page one week earlier, the 28th of April.
There are also a very limited cd-version of the record. It got two bonus tracks that isn't available anywhere else. 50 numbered copies and you can order it from our Bandcamp page on the release date.

Release of a compilation record
We felt honoured when Fruits de Mer records asked us what we thought about a compilation of our releases on the label. Now it is just a month left until the release date 20th of Mars 2023.
Som words from Fruits de Mer Us and Them's contributions to the label began with a Pink Floyd cover 2009, moved on through songs from 'The Wicker Man' and tributes to Sandy Denny, fitting in some self-penned songs along the way. Britt Rönnholm has a voice capable of doing justice to Sandy Denny's songs, something few could justifiably claim, and she is always supported instrumentally by her partner Anders Håkansson.
'An Introduction to Us and Them' comprises twelve tracks taken from their FdM outings together with four 'bonus' tracks, chosen by Britt and Anders from Us and Them from recordings that have appeared on other labels (yes, other labels do exist).
We will add that the look of the CD is really nice, a bit like a small vinyl record. So make an order while you can. Facebook have forbidden Fruits de Mer to do any advertising for the record because of sexual content" of the CD's front cover. Remember that records with forbidden covers could be worthy in the future (Beatles "butchercover" for an example, no comparisons otherwise)
More info here:

New release !
The spring of 2023 is going to be eventful for Us (and Them). The first event is that Fruits de Mer records just released the EP Folklore where Us and Them contribute with our version of Trees beautiful song The Garden of Jane Delawney.
I let the label tell you more about the record:
Four artists that we've worked with over the years - Swedish duo Us and Them, US multi-instrumentalist Jay Tausig, Liverpudlian Elfin Bow and relative FdM new boys Scottish duo Kevin and Scott Robertson - reinterpret songs by three artists who championed folk in the UK in the 60s and 70s - Trees, Caedmon and Bert Jansch - together with the epic traditional song 'Matty Groves', best-known through Fairport Convention's version.
If you would like to know more read here:
More reviews
On the Review page you find new reviews from Finland and Czech among others.
We have also begun to work with Bandcamp, which has been sadly neglected before. This is our record store where you can also listen to and buy our music. Previously we only had a few scattered songs there, but now you can find our three albums and we will successively release more and more of our eralier records and of course our new releases. There will also be some music that only will be available on Bandcamp.
You find the link to our bandcamp site above this text.
More reviews
You can find new reviews under the review section here. Directly under that link you find a brief notice but you can also find the whole reivew under each record. Today new reviews from the Italian Roots and Exposé online.

Release on Bandcamp and Spotify
On our Bandcamp page you can listen and buy a physical record here. You find both Bandcamp and Spotify links to the left.

Great review in Shindig! magazine
We are up in clouds after the great review in Shindig ! 5 out of five, could it be better ?
Release party for the new album

Release date for the new album
The 24th of September is the release date for our new third album "...and I observed the blue sky" . We are very proud about it and think it is the album we always wanted to do. We have spent more time to get every song as good as it can get. So if you are interested of buying a copy send an e-mail to We will send you a copy as soon we get the order so probably you get the record some time before the release. It cost 9 euro + postage. More info on the Shop-page here.
There is a very small edition of a vinyl version but it became so expensive we're a bit ashamed to tell you how much .

Second single from the forthcoming album
Evening song is the second single from our forthcoming album. The A-side is Evening song and the B-side Mirrors is a song that won't be included on the album. You find it on our Spotify and Bandcamp.
New single out on the 8th of April 2022
This is our first release, compilations excluded, in over two years. The A-side is our own Looks like it's clearing up and the B-side is our version of Gerry Rafferty's To Each and everyone. You find it on Spotify, Bandcamp and YouTube among others